Raised so far
Our goal
Kaayan is a 3 year old boy who likes to play outside and explore new places. He also has Angelman syndrome, a rare genetic and neurological disorder characterized by severe developmental delay and learning disabilities. Kaayan’s parents, Khim and Yojana, came to Australia from Nepal in 2017 and their residency status means he is not eligible for NDIS funding. Inability to access early intervention therapies places significant financial pressure & emotional stress on families of children with disability, families like Kayaan’s.
With your support we can ensure children like Kaayan get the urgent therapeutic support they need to thrive.
All parents want the best for their children
Khim and Yojana came to Australia for a better life for their family and they now face the uncertainty of dealing with the additional needs that come with having a child with a lifelong disability.
Access to professional support would not only allow Kaayan’s development to improve but provide Khim and Yojana with some much needed respite from the stresses of balancing full time care and work.
Your generosity will support families like Kaayan’s who have given up everything to build a better life for their children.
"When we are out our worst and people come in to try and help us as a family and help Kaayan to improve, that really makes us keep going. People that care, their love makes us strong and we feel like we can do it"
Yojana, Kaayan’s Mum

Team Leaderboard
A big thank you to our Supporters
The real heroes who are kindly helping us achieve our goal

William Mawhinney

William Mawhinney

Joan Paul

Francis Lang

Michael Alston
Initial $200 deposit for D4Life trip 2023. Will require a receipt to confirm my booking.

Errol Law


Geoff Turnbull

Aldo De Lorenzo

Edwin Garingo


Actevate Pty Ltd



Dylan Tran

Campbelltown Team

Jillian Segal

Steven Rares

Peter Cesca

Chris W

A Manoharan

Stuart Nelmes

Patricia M

Australian Online Giving Foundation

Christine O'neill

Austbrokers Team

Judi Lipp

Janette Semaan

Florence A

Amanda Taylor

Maria Macolino
Let’s see what we can do!


Stewart Bates

David Long

Made By Holiday
Happy Giving Day!

Pinoy Team

Giving Day Market

Cheryl Falbo

Giving Day Fundraiser

Mary Coskerie

Tanjina Rahman
Good Luck Casula and Northcott in raising much needed funding for giving a smile to someone.


Hugh Wehby
Well done team - love being a small part of Northcott!

Parul Jain
Good luck Fundraising team.

Arthur Nersisyan
Thank you Northcott for the opportunity to contribute to your wonderful support of people in need

Nicholas Willcocks


Denis C

Rajni Dhar

Abbas Alibhai

Amanda Dawson


Pat Buick
Keep up the great work

Beth Josman
All the best!!!

Willcocks Family
Thank you to the Northcott staff for all the wonderful services and support you provide.

Ryan Fadd
Good Luck Berta & Team !

Ramsay Surveyors

Florence Wee

Rentokil Initial - Newcastle


Diane Summers


Bruce Wheatley

Efraim Dasalla

Gemstar Automotive Pty Ltd

Tony Peagam

Jeyan Jeevaratnam
Great work by Northcott to help Children with disability

Russell Abedin
Wishing Kaayan and all the families Northcott assists all the best!

John B

Peter & Edith R

Matched Donor

Anonymous Donor

S Bridge

Marie Watson

Mrs Peters

Dean Hayes

Anna A

Wendy & Arthur Beresford

Yvette Goodall

Doreen Smith

Meena Shrestha


Maher Maarbani
Well done all.

Jessica Gordon


Geoff Herbert

Kerrie Simpson

Tracey Keith

Sonya Matthew

Dts Team
Happy Giving Day Northcott. DTS is proud to support your work!

Amelia Beeby

Jenny Ly


Keith P

Catherine T

Barbara S

Leonie H

Helen C

Ron H

Ngaire B