Your support will go a long way!
By partnering with Northcott, your organisation will affiliate with a reputable charity supporting people with disability for over 93 years.
Your support will positively impact your local community and help Northcott deliver quality, innovative services. You will also be supporting those important “extras” essential to people with disability to live the life they choose.
Benefits to your organisation can include increased staff engagement and morale, positive brand exposure and promotion, and access to networking opportunities and events.
Below are some of the ways your organisation can partner with Northcott. Together we can achieve so much more!

Through a financial contribution, your organisation can support important programs and initiatives not funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or other government or non-government sources.
Examples include Northcott’s recreational programs for children and adults with disability and relationship support programs that build the social skills of young adults. Financial support can also assist our team in piloting new ideas that improve service delivery and achieve better outcomes for people with disability, their families and carers.
For many of these initiatives, we rely on the generosity of corporates who support us financially.
Read more about Baresque’s partnership with a purpose.
To learn more, call 1300 605 993 or email us today. We would love to work with you!

Inspire goodwill within your workplace today by promoting Northcott as a charity partner. All you need to do is arrange for your organisation to enter into a payroll giving arrangement, (there are also existing platforms that you can use), and list Northcott as your nominated charity partner.
You may also wish to match your employee’s donations dollar for dollar – doubling your combined impact.
It’s win-win-win!
For Employers: Workplace Giving Programs promote greater staff engagement, retention and productivity and reputation. It’s a low administrative, high impact way to support the causes which matter to your employees and bring your own organisations values and culture to life.
For Employees: Payroll Giving is quick and easy to set-up, your pre-tax donation goes further and know you’re making a difference to the lives of people with disability
For Northcott: Workplace giving programs are cost effective and provide Northcott with regular funds, access to valuable skills and strong partnerships.

You can align your organisation with a Northcott event or activity through sponsorship.Sponsor our Giving Day, Sports Carnivals, Feel the Vibe, other events or an extraordinary Appeal or Campaign.
Partner with us to help launch something new to meet the evolving needs and interests of the people with disability that we support.
- See how Northcott’s Giving Daycelebrates International Day of People with Disability and Collective Giving.
- Learn how inclusive carnivals boost children’s confidence and wellbeing with a little help from our friends.
To learn more about our upcoming events, call 1300 605 993 or email us today.

Another way you can support us is through volunteering.
Group Volunteering
Your team can volunteer to be involved in Northcott events, partner with a service for a day or share their skills with staff. You’ll be helping us in our centre-based programs, assisting individuals in participating in social and community engagement activities and improving facilities through room and garden working bees. Let’s see what we can do together!
Skilled Volunteering
Northcott welcomes skilled volunteers and teams with expertise in a particular area to help in a short-term capacity and assist with specific projects that empower Northcott to be more effective in our work and service provision.
To learn more, call 1300 605 993 or email us today.

"At Citi, one of our greatest assets is our people. Promoting volunteering and skill-based programs is central to our goals of creating shared value and supporting the community. Citi Volunteers recently had a fantastic experience supporting Northcott’s Vocational Skills participants and learning more about the programs run by Northcott."
Louise Lindsay, Head of Corporate Affairs Australia & New Zealand at Citi

“Demonstrating our corporate social responsibility through our partnership with Northcott is something that’s important to our business.
Having our team involved in volunteering at the carnivals is so exciting because we get to see the wonderful smiles on all the kids faces.”
JJ Blaiklock, Managing Director of The Baresque’s Group

“I am grateful for the life I am able to lead so I am a generous supporter of charities. 20 years ago I signed on as a regular payroll donor to Northcott. Across my 25 years of service, I continue to be impressed with the work undertaken at Northcott. I have a deep understanding of the support that people with disability need and deserve.”
Judi Lipp, Northcott Librarian & Archivist and Payroll Giver