Peaches and Cream premiere: A triumph in disability awareness

14 Aug 2024
The first screening of the Peaches and Cream short film at Northcott’s head office marked a significant milestone in disability advocacy and awareness. Attendees, including people with disability, families, and support workers, gathered to watch the film’s premiere and engage in discussions about the importance of digital literacy for people with intellectual disability. 

Meet the voices behind the film

Brandon: A rising star, Northcott customer and Bus Stop Films Student Ambassador, Brandon’s journey in the film industry has been nothing short of inspiring. From TV shows to feature films, Brandon’s talent shines bright, including his portrayal of River in Peaches and Cream. 

Chidiebube: Emerging as a producer and director, Chidiebube’s work amplifies the voices of underrepresented communities, making her a vital force in cultural and social storytelling. 

Patrick: As one of Northcott’s Sexuality and Relationships Education (SRE) Counsellors, Patrick contributed as the educator, introducing important topics around SRE through a series of workshops with students in Bus Stop Film’s Accessible Film Studies Program. They’ve been involved every step of the way, informing the script, informing diversity in the casting and providing education about sexting which is tailored for people with disability.

Key takeaways from the discussion

Peaches and Cream looks at the difficulties behind sexting for people with intellectual disability. Panelists discussed the film’s portrayal of the unique challenges faced by people with disability in navigating safe sexting practices, highlighting the need for education and support. 

Brandon expressed the importance of normalising conversations about sexting for people with disability, advocating for inclusive education and support systems to ensure safe and positive experiences. 

People with disability are often vulnerable when it comes to navigating online communication and can be prone to blackmailing and extortion.

“However, we should be able to explore our sexuality in a safe and positive environment. In order to do so we need either our parents to assist with providing education on that, or our support workers, disability networks, friends or extended family. We all have desires, regardless of what disability you have. But it is important to understand consent and communication. That is one thing that I hope people can take away,” says Brandon. 

Challenging stereotypes

Peaches and Cream challenges misconceptions surrounding sexuality and disability, highlighting how people with disability have desires for healthy relationships and sexual expression. However, a lack of education leaves people with intellectual disability vulnerable to risky situations, highlighting the need for comprehensive sex education tailored to their needs. 

Emily elaborated on the film’s intention to depict people with disability as healthy sexual beings while addressing the importance of communication and boundaries in navigating relationships. 

A lot of people consider people with disability to be asexual and to not have any form of sexuality whatsoever.

“People often perceive us as being more vulnerable and more at risk. But paradoxically having that lack of education and lack of opportunity to explore does put us at more risk in difficult situations. And we wanted to explore that. And I think the way that we did it in Peaches and Cream was to look at River, who wants to be in a healthy relationship with his partner. And I think his intentions are good, but he does have that moment of pushing and contending with those boundaries because he doesn’t know, doesn’t have the experience and hasn’t been taught how to navigate that,” says Emily. 

Learn more and spark conversations

Produced in collaboration with Bus Stop Films, Peaches and Cream offers resources aimed at starting judgement-free conversations about sexting and online safety. 

The Peaches and Cream inclusively made short film and accessible resources were made possible by support from the auDA Foundation and the Profield Foundation.

Access the Peaches and Cream film + education resource>>

Sexuality and Relationship Education>>